Thursday, 12 January 2012

Overwhelming EP review of the day...

By the very complimentary Andy Garibaldi of the Dead Earnest blog and presenter of The Sound show on Radio North Angus. We didn't even pay him to be so nice! ;)

The intro is just stunning – a repeated, clipped guitar at the bottom end of the scale, over which this sultry, husky, powerful, restrained and smokily bluesy female vocal delivers the lyrics to a song that positively smoulders, threatening to burst into flames at any second.

Then not to disappoint, it does just that, as the band bursts into life with an explosion of guitar riffing, twangy electric guitars, deep bass and driving drumming, over which, that now high-flying vocal doesn't miss a beat; delivering the lyrics to this surge of a song with passion, strength and intensity.

The whole song just spirals upwards on the best slice of blues-tinged, contemporary indie rock 'n' roll, with a menacing backdrop, multi-tracked vocal chorus and mighty playing. In short, it's absolutely awesome. This hooks you right into the world of Drag Your Heels; a world from which you are delighted to know that there's no escape...

“Walk Away” bounces along with more power than the proverbial bomb. The vocal now glides through the verses with a low-down, brooding intensity; towering above the Blur-esque “Song 2” styled fuzz bass, the twang of the Blondie “Atomic”- esque guitar riff, the crash of the drumming, and rising up to this huge, multi-tracked vocal hook for a combination that is simply jaw-dropping.

Driving indie-blues with a classic riff, even adding sax for extra effect. The vocals are sung with urgency and intensity; the song driving ahead with intent, through riffs that you can't resist, rhythms that defy you not to leap about the place, sax that burns, and vocals that spread their wings and fly like an eagle over the whole instrumental blaze. The best slice of contemporary blues-soaked indie song-writing and delivery that you'll hear anywhere.

“Everything I Want” takes the pace down a notch – and by now, you're grateful for that – as a gorgeous song ensues, complete with yearning vocals, lurching rhythms, occasional sax bursts and grooving guitars. The vocal is full of feeling and really heartfelt. The mood: reflective, impassioned and suitably “late-night”. But this is just a breather…

“Towards Your Shadow” bursts into life with a searing heat, as the band really surge ahead on a sea of guitar riffs, guitar-breaks like solar flares, driving rhythms and crashing cymbals. The vocals return to the menacing urgency of the verses and the even more urgent intensity of the hook-filled chorus once more refuses to leave your head – as, indeed, does the whole song and the playing. The combination gets gradually denser yet more addictive, as the short but impressive song rolls to its sudden end point.

Bouncy indie with a distinct flavour of New Order-meets-The Darling Buds, and just a dream of a slice of solid indie-pop at its finest. The vocals take off like a rocket above the driving beats, choppy rhythms, heated bass and surge of low-slung guitar: a song that really hits the spot.

The EP ends with “The Mystery Men” and here things return to that twangy, menacing, soaring, uplifting, and intense modern-times rock’n' roll feel; with huge upfront bass, twangy guitar riffing, bouncing drumming and that vocal that sings with wondrous urgency, evil intent and wide-eyed passion. The verses are addictive; the hooks spellbinding and even a brief burst of guitar breakout to add to the driving addiction of this incendiary memorable and mighty surge of songwriting.

Overall, this is one absolute solid gem of a CD that doesn't put a foot wrong and makes you want to play it all over and over, long, loud and often.

Drag Your Heels - The Black Hearted EP by Drag Your Heels

Monday, 9 January 2012

Happy New Year from DYH

Happy new year folks! We trust you're all doing well on those new year's resolutions... ;)

Our EP The Black Hearted is out now and we'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who came along to our launch party at the Hawley Arms - we had a blast! Below you can find preview track The Mystery Men (which was debuted on Tom Robinson's Friday night BBC6 Music show), info on where you can buy the EP and some pics from the launch...