Monday, 14 November 2011

DYH news and recent coverage

Really nice to be getting some loving on t'internet!

The Devil Has The Best Tuna included us in their music round-up the other week over here, and a rather suave and stylish Italian blog did a whole feature on us, with an interview plus a mixtape we put together for them. You can find the results of that over here.

We also did an interview for the Emerging Icons Chart Show for the Student Radio University Association, which streamed on Sunday. Unfortunately we got the time wrong and forgot to listen to it/post a link, but due to the wonders of modern technology the show will be available to download soon. We'll link it as soon as it's up on iTunes!

In other news, did we mention that we're playing Jubilee's NYE party at the one and only Barfly, supporting the one and only Carl Barat? Little bit excited for that one.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Ever watched a cheesy American movie and sighed to yourself as you thought “ah, one day someone will make a mixtape for me”?

For the purposes of this post, we’re imagining your response to be a resounding “yes Drag Your Heels, I’ve often thought that. YES!”, in which case please allow us to solve your problems with this lovely little mixtape courtesy of It's All Indie.

Fair enough it’s live on a blog for all and sundry to download rather than delivered personally to your door with flowers, but hey, this aint the movies kid! And anyway, you might find a track of ours on there…;)

CLICK HERE to download the mixtape

In other 'Drag Your Heels coverage' related news, check out this post on the New Music Michael blog who says "they kind of remind me of what would happen if The Go-Go's met up with Frankie Rose.

That's it for now - we'll write again soon with some exciting news about our upcoming gigs!